09 January 2010

On winter and the new year

It's about a week into the new year, and I have done precious little aside from going to class, studying, eating, and sleeping. In that order. Meanwhile, it is a balmy 73 degrees today (23 degrees C), and I am stuck inside making sure that I don't fail spectacularly on the first test of the new year for OP (Organ Physiology), which comes next Friday.

New Year's Resolutions...as I do every year, and yet fail to keep most of them:
- To be more friendly and social
- To be more open-minded
- To give 110% on everything as opposed to being content with being mediocre (mostly school-related)
- To go to the gym at least twice a week and eat more healthily

There, I leave you with that until I have something more worthy to say.

Happy New Year!

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