24 April 2010

On a day with kimchi fried rice

I suppose by the title of this post, I must start at the "end" of the day and work backwards. If you look at the time stamp on this post, it will read something like 20:30, which is not truly the end of my day, but you can consider it the end of my "generative" (SBS term!), productive day.

I am sitting at my computer at the moment, enjoying a bowl of freshly-made kimchi fried rice, which I was suddenly inspired to make today after staring at my pesto pasta for about the seventh day in the row and deciding that I had finally had enough. I love kimchi, and now that I have used about half a tub of kimchi in making myself some fried rice, I will have to go buy some more. I question the amount of kimchi I used, but it still tastes great, probably thanks to the huge dolop of chili sauce I topped it off with. I have never before made kimchi fried rice, and it is not difficult, but there is still a sense of accomplishment. Oh, how med school skews your view of things. No longer is doing well on a test something that gives me that sense of accomplishment (perhaps because doing well comes so rarely and the tests so often), but feeding myself well and making myself go to the gym, those are such confidence boosters.

As some of you may know (or not, I don't know who actually reads this), this weekend was Second Look. For those of you not affiliated with a school of medicine world, second look is when they invite all the accepted, prospective students back and we try to get them to come here next year. I volunteered to lead a tour, as well as sit on the student panel and try to answer some questions. The tour was...well, it was a tour. How exciting and how boring can it really get? The student panel was also...a student panel. I don't really know what they were expecting. We gave the regular answers that anyone would expect. Are we happy? Yes, I polled some of my classmates yesterday as we sat at happy hour. Yes, we are happy. Perhaps I do not understand because I did not attend Second Look last year myself. But I honestly believe that happiness is something that you are responsible for yourself.

And so in that vein, I took the time and played tennis this morning!

Go Yankees!

Sorry it was such a useless post. But I was excited about kimchi fried rice, and I did not want to study.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read this! Also, kimchi fried rice is freaking delicious, and amazingly easy to make. I think this is why I only make asian food most of the time. Because it's a matter of just throwing everything into the pan and stirring it.

Miss you Samansa!