So, we had EAP orientation. It was quite fun, met some nice people, learned about the dealio is here with academics, went out a couple times at night, and finally did some sightseeing. I'd been so busy setting up bank accounts, cell phones, apartment stuff, and school stuff that I hadn't gone sightseeing yet until EAP took us.
First, we have some pictures of my park and my future school:

This is Victoria Park. I live catty-corner from the park, and I can walk through the park straight to school.

This here on the right is the afore- mentioned path.

And this is what may be the front entrance of the school. Now, I have my doubts about that, because I haven't actually seen the whole campus yet (it's absolutely HUGE), but if that's not the front entrance, then I can't wait to see what the front entrance looks like.
Now for the sightseeing...

This, of course, is the Sydney Opera House. The weird thing is, it looks really white in all the pictures and at night, but it's actually cream-coloured up close. It looks really different from all the different angles, too. We got to see it from the harbour and all, so I have lots of pictures, but my internet here is immensely slow, so I'll be posting a minimal number of pictures.

This is the Sydney Harbour Bridge, then. I'm planning on climbing it. Do you see the little people on top of the bridge, near the flags? That's what I'll be doing, come fall, probably. It's a little too sunny at the moment to be climbing that bridge for two hours and getting skin cancer.

And finally, this is Bondi Beach. There are so many beaches around here, it'll take a while to visit them all. But this beach was super nice, the sand was so fine and clean for the most part, save a couple cigarette butts, and it wasn't actually that crowded. There were tons of people, but it didn't
feel like there were that many.
But everytime I'm outside now, I'm so aware of the sun because of the hole in the ozone layer that's above Australia.
The Australian government has a whole bunch of PSA's on TV, and they all warn about skin cancer, so it's kind of making me paranoid. Anyways, email me and keep me from feeling lonely!
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