So, rewind just a bit, and we have the last few days in Sydney. First, though, I'm going to say "Hi!" to Mickis's mom :).Ahem, so we played squash for the first time, instructed by our resident squash pro Miss Mikaela Annerling, who looks oh-so-professional with those long "walking but running" strides. Squash is super fun, and if I can make myself do it, I would certainly like to try playing again in San Diego or something. Maybe they have squash instructors or something.
The squash pro, the clumsy tennis head jerk
The tennis pro-turned squash player, the all-around rookie
On Friday night, we went to ivy for the last time! We finally made it up to the pool-level lounge, which was super fancy and all, but of course, we made it back to the regular dance floor at the end of the night. And even made a Macca's run across the street at the end, just like old times :). I will forever associate Kings of Leon with this trip in Australia.
Poolside at ivy, and the pool at ivy itself!
And then, one day, I cut Mickis's hair. In the midst of an afternoon of eating and reading gossip magazines and then making a shake-and-bake mud cake and eating almost the whole thing. Yum, yay, and yum.
Mickis's hair cut, and our mud cake leftovers...
Thus endeth my time in Sydney. Of course, after a few more goodbyes and a final and what not. But I'll have to write about those when I'm home home for good.
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