21 October 2009

On being one year older, but none the wiser

So, I have turned 22. I honestly believe, that age is just a number (for now, at least). I don't know how old I feel because I don't know what I'm supposed to feel at any given age.

I just wanted to say here how thankful I am for all the friends, family, and classmates that helped me celebrate today. You guys are so awesome!

And one last note: I got some candy from a "birthday fairy" this year. Last year, I got a box of chocolates from "Obama". How very odd. I'd like to know who this mythical creature is, please! Not Obama of course, he's not mythical. In any case, thank you!

And if I didn't get around to thanking you personally for making my birthday a better day, I'm thanking you here. Thanks, guys! :)